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Showing posts from September, 2024

How to get glass looking Skin

Glass skin We all want clear skin hydrated ,bouncy and glossy but can an average person like me ever reach clear healthy glass skin standard.  What do some people know that most of us don't so I try to configure the answer. In case there's a secret formula for the perfect juiciest skincare routine that could actually show result's within 30 days.   But there was a problem not all the skin types are same so in reality perfect skincare routine that fits all doesn't exist. If you want clear skin stop doing everything everyone else is doing because nobody knows what they are doing unless they are a doctor. Skin type: Firstly we want to figure out what your skin type is  Is it dry? Is it oily? Or It is something in between. Do you want to deal with Acne or you have wrinkles. But what's crazy is that no matter what your skin type is you only need 3 skincare products. Cleanse : It helps to unclog your pores and prevent breakouts. In general expert's recommend washing y

How to get glass looking Skin

Glass skin We all want clear skin hydrated ,bouncy and glossy but can an average person like me ever reach clear healthy glass skin standard.  What do some people know that most of us don't so I try to configure the answer. In case there's a secret formula for the perfect juiciest skincare routine that could actually show result's within 30 days.   But there was a problem not all the skin types are same so in reality perfect skincare routine that fits all doesn't exist. If you want clear skin stop doing everything everyone else is doing because nobody knows what they are doing unless they are a doctor. Skin type: Firstly we want to figure out what your skin type is  Is it dry? Is it oily? Or It is something in between. Do you want to deal with Acne or you have wrinkles. But what's crazy is that no matter what your skin type is you only need 3 skincare products. Cleanse : It helps to unclog your pores and prevent breakouts. In general expert's recommend washing y

MonekyPox vaccine Approval

Antibody, known as MVA-BN to be managed in two portions, a month separated, to people matured 18 and more seasoned. The World Wellbeing Association (WHO) has conceded endorsement for the main immunization against monkeypox, denoting a significant achievement in the worldwide battle against the infection. The immunization, known as MVA-BN, will be controlled in two dosages, a month separated, to people matured 18 and more established.  As indicated by a WHO proclamation, the immunization has shown 76% viability after the primary portion and 82% after the second. This endorsement comes as the WHO keeps on ordering monkeypox as a general wellbeing crisis of global concern. Monkeypox has spread to 121 nations, with more than 500 passings detailed for the current year. The infection is especially lethal among high-risk gatherings and people with compromised invulnerable frameworks, where death rates can reach up to 10%.  WHO's Essential Warning Gathering of Specialists (SAGE) on Vacc

The Magical Morning

Magical Morning Today we unlock the key that many high Achiever's across the globe swear by and that is their morning routine. The first hour when you wake up  you can set the tone for your entire day and today we are setting it to success to become truly limitless. Now when you think of famous figures in the world CEOs to athletes they all have their own morning rituals. You know their might be meditating an athlete might be doing some stretching . A writer could be writing or journaling you see mornings are unique ,it's when your brain is fresh. Your slate is clean every singel day,you get to write a new chapter and distractions they haven't piled up yet mostly in the morning and by creating a personalized morning routine you're archetecting your day for optimal learning.     Focus for optimal productivity.The important thing that I do I feel like making the bed is important to start with clean environment start with excellence and brush your teeth with opposite hand

Hacks To Beat Sugar Craving

  The more glucose spikes you have the faster you age . Your skin your organ's slowly age today 3 out of 5 people are going to die of an inflammation based disease .If you want a healthy body and healthy mind you have to make sure you are not a glucose roller coaster your bidy doesn't care weather sugar came from an orange juice or weather sugar came from beetroot and now in a cane of Coco-Cola these sugar molecules will both lead to a glucose. What is Glucose?Why it is important to understand? Glucose is also called blood sugar right and glucose is your body's favorite source of energy so Make a first right.  Now with your hand okay so as you are doing this the muscle in your hand is burning glucose to contract and to everybody who are reading right now the cells in your brain are currently burning glucose. It is right to say that every singel part of your body is burning glucose.   Important way of glucose Providing to Body: Eating   food specially by eating two Categorie

Gut Health Impacts On Weight Loss

  " Unlock the Secret to Weight Loss: The Gut Health Revolution"  I'm thrilled to share with you groundbreaking truth about the impact of gut health on weight loss. For too long, we've been led to believe that shedding pounds is solely about cutting calories and hitting the gym. But what if I told you that the key to unlocking your dream body lies within your gut? "The Gut-Weight Loss Connection: A Game-Changer" Research has revealed that the gut microbiome plays a pivotal role in weight regulation . A healthy gut is teeming with beneficial bacteria, which work in harmony to boost metabolism, enhance nutrient absorption, and regulate hunger hormones. But when the balance of gut bacteria is disrupted, chaos ensues, leading to weight gain, bloating, and metabolic mayhem. " The Gut-Brain Axis: A Powerful Partnership" The gut and brain are intimately connected, with the gut sending signals to the brain that influence hunger, satiety, and metabolism. Wh

Food Sensitivities On Health

  " Unmasking the Hidden Culprits: How Food Sensitivities Are Sabotaging Your Health" As a Health consultant, I'm on a mission to expose the stealthy saboteurs lurking in your diet. Food sensitivities are the hidden culprits behind a myriad of health issues, and it's time to shine a light on their destructive power. In this blog, we'll delve into the shocking impact of food sensitivities on overall health and uncover the secrets to liberating yourself from their grasp. " The Silent Assassins: How Food Sensitivities Are Affecting Your Health" Food sensitivities are the wolves in sheep's clothing, masquerading as harmless ingredients in your favorite foods . But don't be fooled – they're silently assassinating your health, leaving a trail of chronic inflammation, digestive chaos, and malaise in their wake. " The Gut-Brain Connection: How Food Sensitivities Are Hijacking Your Health" The gut and brain are intimately connected, and food

Importance of plant based diet

  "Unlock the Power of Plant-Based Eating: A Nutritionist's Guide to a Vibrant Life"  As a passionate nutritionist, I'm thrilled to share with you the incredible benefits of a plant-based diet. In this blog, we'll dive into the amazing advantages, debunk common myths, and explore the science behind this life-changing way of eating. "The Plant-Based Revolution" Why You Should Join the Movement? A plant-based diet is not just a trend; it's a powerful tool for transforming your health, energy, and overall well-being. By focusing on whole, minimally processed plant foods, you'll unlock a world of benefits that will leave you feeling vibrant and alive. " Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet" 1. Reduces chronic disease risk. 2. Promotes weight loss and management. 3. Boosts energy and mental clarity. 4. Supports healthy digestion and gut health. 5. May reduce inflammation and improve immune function. " Debunking Common Myths" - Myth:   Pl

Intermittent Fasting Easy and Effective Method

    "Unlock the Power of Intermittent Fasting"      A Comprehensive Guide to Transforming                                      Your Health  As a nutritionist, I'm thrilled to share with you the incredible benefits of intermittent fasting (IF). This revolutionary approach to eating has transformed my life, and I'm obsessed with spreading the word. In this blog, we'll dive into the most effective IF methods, debunk common myths, and explore the science behind this game-changing practice. What is Intermittent Fasting? IF is not a diet; it's a lifestyle. It's a deliberate choice to restrict your eating window, allowing your body to enter a fasting state. This triggers a cascade of cellular responses, leading to improved insulin sensitivity, enhanced fat burning, and increased longevity. Top 5 Intermittent Fasting Methods 1. 16:8 Method:  Fast for 16 hours, eat within an 8-hour window. Perfect for beginners, this method is easy to adopt and yields impressive re

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How to get glass looking Skin

Glass skin We all want clear skin hydrated ,bouncy and glossy but can an average person like me ever reach clear healthy glass skin standard.  What do some people know that most of us don't so I try to configure the answer. In case there's a secret formula for the perfect juiciest skincare routine that could actually show result's within 30 days.   But there was a problem not all the skin types are same so in reality perfect skincare routine that fits all doesn't exist. If you want clear skin stop doing everything everyone else is doing because nobody knows what they are doing unless they are a doctor. Skin type: Firstly we want to figure out what your skin type is  Is it dry? Is it oily? Or It is something in between. Do you want to deal with Acne or you have wrinkles. But what's crazy is that no matter what your skin type is you only need 3 skincare products. Cleanse : It helps to unclog your pores and prevent breakouts. In general expert's recommend washing y

Diabetes and nutrition

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Nutrition and breast cancer

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